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I'm Not Crazy! My Path to Reversing Autoimmunity Naturally

Most of us have the understanding of when something is not working the way it was designed to. We may not know what is wrong or what to do about it, but we can sense when something is out of alignment.

I think about driving my car. I am the furthest thing from a mechanic, but I can tell when the engine isn't running the way it should or if the tires are out of alignment.

When things are not running properly in our physical body or in our emotions, we often go looking for a diagnosis and some answers. I am so thankful for the various avenues we have available to us, to help navigate through those times.

But have you ever been in one of those spots where it doesn't seem like anyone can give you any answers? Things seem inconclusive and more tests need to be run. What do you do then? This is often the case when it comes to autoimmunity. This is my story.

I have been in this position on more than one occasion - and I had the best doctor in the world in my opinion. Still there is nothing more frustrating than no answers. It leaves us feeling dazed, confused and even hopeless.

At several different points in my life I dealt with issues like joint pain and swelling, hives, anxiety, difficulty breathing, brain fog, fatigue, Candida overgrowth, infertility and miscarriage and the list goes on. Yet according to all of the tests, I was healthy.

As a believer in Jesus, I know and understand that in Him, there is always hope. I believe that, in Him, there is an answer for everything. And if that answer cannot be found in the natural realm, there is a place of spiritual insight and wisdom where those things can be revealed.

So the daze and confusion, led me to a place of seeking for answers in unconventional places. As I asked the Holy Spirit for some answers, here is what I discovered:

A. I am not crazy! Not only were things I was feeling from brain fog, to fatigue, to anxiety not just in my head. They had a source.

B. To walk in healing of those things was not simply a matter of eating the right thing or taking the right pill or supplements. There was also an unraveling of faulty beliefs that I carried that needed to be reversed as well.

C. There is no quick fix. Healing is a journey, a process that requires us to continually submitting ourselves into the care of the Great Physician.

D. Healing comes not from looking at the negative and trying to reverse it, but by looking at the original design of how God designed us to operate: spirit, soul and body and aligning ourselves with that divine design.

E. The path of healing that He has me on may look different to what others are doing. That's because He has designed a plan that is customized just for me.

F. As I walk this path, it is imperative for me to have people around me for support and accountability. People who affirm and confirm the healing direction God has for me.

I just wanted to encourage you today, that there is hope. The truth is that autoimmunity is on the rise. And much of what people are experiencing is left undiagnosed simply because the symptoms are constantly changing.

But let me tell you, you are not crazy! When things are out of alignment, you can feel it whether it says so on the tests or not. Your body is trying to communicate to you that there are some things out of alignment that need to be addressed. You can continue to go down the path of trying to discover what is wrong, or you can choose instead to discover what is right.

Finally, brothers, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is commendable, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise, think about these things.

Philippians 4:8

I encourage you to put your focus on studying how God designed you to function in wholeness body, soul, and spirit and through that, identify the ways that you are moving that may be out of alignment. I believe you will be surprised by the life and healing that is released to you in every way.

If you would like education and support on your journey of learning to live the way God intended, I encourage you to reach out. I would be honored to walk with you on your journey to wholeness.

* Jessica Nelsen, in no context of the phrase “practices medicine” and therefore does not diagnose, prescribe, treat, administer, cure, heal or otherwise perform a duty that is reserved for those who are licensed to do so. She is simply a educator/coach on healthy lifestyle.

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