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The Key to True Life

There I was doing my devotions and minding my own business, when the words I was reading just seemed to jump off the page. Have you ever had that kind of experience before?

The passage of Scripture was this:

The person who loves his life and pampers himself will miss true life! But the one who detaches his life from this world and abandons himself to me, will find true life and enjoy it forever! -John 12:26

The word detaches seemed to jump off the page at me.

The abundant life is not at all related to externals. In fact, it is a matter of the heart. I have met people who on the outside look like they have it all, but they are not experiencing true life. And I have also met people who have little and have resigned to the fact that they can never really experience the pleasures of life because of their lack.

But then there is that word detached. I have met people who have everything, and yet they remain unattached to it. They are constantly giving and sharing what they own to release life over others. And I have seen those in great poverty and lack, also live detached.

My senior year of high school I was on a missions trip on New Years Eve. I will never forget talking to a man who lived on a garbage dump in a tiny shack built from trash. I was humbled as he told us of how he and his family were headed to church to thank God for all of his blessings.

Where does one begin in living detached from the things of this world? I have seen some teach that in order to be detached we all ought to be poor. But again, this points to externals and does not deal with matters of the heart.

I'd like to lay out some keys I believe the Lord showed me as I was meditating on his words

1. Identify where true worth is found. First of all, we need to understand that true worth is only found in our relationship with God. We need to know who He is and what He says about us. This is our true identity. Once we understand those things, we can see clearly what we need to accomplish what He has designed us for.

2.Observe your current state. Take inventory of your life. Begin to take notice of the things and relationships that are bringing you towards your purpose. Also, become aware of the things and relationships that seem to distract from your true identity. One practical way is by auditing your time or tracking your finances. From a physical health standpoint, begin journaling your food intake and recognizing what reaction your body is having to certain foods. Also look for energy leaks or even draining relationships.

3.Begin the detachment process. One of my favorite verses comes from Jeremiah 15:19,

Therefore, this is what the Lord says:

“If you return, then I will restore you—You will stand before Me;

And if you extract the precious from the worthless,

You will become My spokesman.

Now that you have an awareness of where you are, begin to declutter or remove those things that are in excess or distraction. You may find that you are in a gradual process of removing those things. And it is that. A process. Sometimes, it is helpful to make a clean break at least for a time. These times of fasting can really help to remind us of what is most important.

Those things that you may feel call to remove in a physical health sense could be sugar or processed foods. Relationally you may find that social media isn't serving you and you would like to let go of that for a time. Maybe there are codependent relationships that need some evaluation. Maybe there are some commitments that you need to release to make time for more important relationships like family. Whatever it is, you will begin to discover new freedom as you detach.

4. Become a watchman. Once you have removed things, be sure to create boundaries, so that those things do not creep in again.

5. Stewardship. Just a note here as well, that we are not just called to be detached from the things that are not serving us. We are called to be detached even from the blessings. What does that mean? I can never be attached to anyone thing or person to the degree that it prevents me from obedience to the will of God. God may have blessed me with my family, but they are not mine to own, only to steward. My resources are not my own, they are to be used however God sees fit. My body is His temple. It belongs to Him and therefore should be stewarded as such.

Above everything else guard your heart, because from it flow the springs of life.

-Proverbs 4:23

As you begin 2022, I pray that you find true and abundant life unlocked within you as you detach from things in the natural and abandon yourself to God - the only source of true life in every way!

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